Category: Real
Cine esti tu?
O poza agatata de un pixel
Un nume pe un monitor
O zi de nastere in mai
Un mesaj pe un fir
Sau… poate nu
Un suflet prins in cuvinte
O inima ce se teme
Doi ochi ce cauta
Un gand care se intoarce
Sau… poate da
Poate esti doar tu
Mai departe ca norii
Mai aproape ca gandul
Dragostea este…Cand cineva te raneste…chiar daca te doare ingrozitor…tu nu plangi, pentru ca stii ca o s-o doara pe persoana care te-a ranit! (Matei – 6 ani)
Dragostea este cand…Cand bunica mea avea artrita si nu-si putea vopsi unghiile…bunicul meu le-a vopsit el pentru ea, cu toate ca si el avea artrita… (Rebecca – 8 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand o fata se da cu parfum si baiatul se da cu after-shave…si ies la plimbare impreuna…si se miros unul pe celalalt (Karl – 5 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand stii ca sora ta mai mare te iubeste…pentru ca-ti da tie toate hainele ei vechi…si ea trebuie sa se duca la cumparaturi, sa-si ia altele! (Laura – 4 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand catelul tau te linge pe fata…cu toate ca l-ai lasat acasa singur toata ziua! (Maria – 4 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand cineva te iubeste…felul in care-ti spune numele, e…este diferit ! (Emy – 4 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand oferi cuiva din mancarea ta, fara ca sa te astepti ca celalalt sa-ti ofere din mancarea lui ! (Cristi – 6 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand mami il vede pe tati transpirat si murdar tot…dar tot ii spune…”tot esti mai frumos ca Brad Pitt!” (Cris – 8 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand spui cuiva ceva rau despre tine…si ti-e frica ca n-o sa te mai iubeasca din cauza la ce ai spus…si apoi cealalta persoana te surprinde iubindu-te chiar mai mult ! (Emma – 7 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand un batran si o batrana…sunt inca buni prieteni cu toate ca se cunosc unul pe celalalt de mult timp… (Ruben – 6 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand ii spui unui baiat ca are o camasa asa frumoasa…cu toate ca el poarta aceeasi camasa in fiecare zi! (Ami – 7 ani)
Dragostea este…Ce se intampla de Craciun…cand te opresti din desfacut cadouri…ca sa te bucuri de bucuria celorlati ! (Mihai – 5 ani)
Dragostea este cand…daca vrei sa inveti sa iubesti mai bine…incepe cu un prieten care nu-ti place! (Nikka – 6 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand iubesti pe cineva…ochii tai se tot misca…si niste stelute stralucesc in ei! (Karol – 7 ani)
Dragostea este…Dumnezeu ar fi putut sa spuna niste cuvinte magice ca sa scape din cuiele de pe Cruce…dar n-a facut asta…Asta este dragoste! (Mihai – 5 ani)
Dragostea este…Cand mami ii face cafea lui tati si dupa aceea ia o inghititura inainte sa i-o dea, ca sa se asigure ca are gust bun.
Dragostea este…Cand va tineti de mana si stati unul langa altul intr-o cafenea. Asta inseamna ca sunteti indragostiti. Daca nu ar fi asa, ati putea sta unul in fata celuilalt si ar fi ok.
Ce gandesc oamenii cand spun “Te iubesc”
“Persoana respectiva gandeste: Da, chiar il iubesc. Dar sper ca face dus macar o data pe zi.” (Michelle – 9 ani)
Cum inveti sa saruti
“Inveti chiar pe loc, cand cele mai calde sentimente si emotii pun stapanire pe tine.” (Doug – 7 ani)
“S-ar putea sa iti fie de ajutor sa urmaresti telenovele toata ziua.” (Carin – 9 ani)
Cand este potrivit sa saruti pe cineva?
“Nu e niciodata potrivit sa saruti un baiat. Saliveaza peste tot. De-asa am incetat s-o mai fac.” (Jean – 10 ani)
Cum sa faci dragostea sa dureze
“Sa-ti petreci majoritatea timpului iubind si nu mergand la lucru” (Tom – 7 ani)
“Sa nu uiti numele sotiei tale…Asta s-ar putea sa strice dragostea.” (Roger – 8 ani)
“Sa fii un bun sarutator. S-ar putea ca sotia ta sa uite ca nu duci niciodata gunoiul.” (Randy – 8 ani)
I know that love is a very sensitive subject, but I will throw an opinion. Remember that is not the right one… is just an opinion… think about it as you listen to a melody.
Schopenhauer said that love is just an instinctual impulse. That we fall in love with our opposites with the ones that nature thinks that we’ll make good children. And this is working us from the inside without even us to be constient of it.
That’s a very interesting point of view. A point of view that from my experience tends to be true. But I have a simple question, what is life without instincts? I think it will be just fleshless. It’s good to know this point of view because honestly it kind of answers some questions.
So now the question is what is love. Is it instinct or feelings or both or is it rational?
Love seen by many is the felling you get when you lay your eyes on a face an you know that’s the one. By my point of view also. But is it forever? Yes or no?
It is obvious that after a certain time love fades away. We try off course all kinds of methods to fake that it isn’t so but this is the truth.
You see when you have something and you know that’s yours you have no more reasons to fight 4 it and if there are no more stimulus there only remains a fade picture of the past.
So what is to do? Well we are human beings and what differentiates us from the animals is that we have reason. We also have instincts. So what should we follow? Some say instincts(feelings) some say to always follow reason.
I say follow both. The hardest problem is that when do you know when reason stops and instinct begins.
I can’t tell you that because you just can’t say this in words. You just can’t put reality in words.
But it’s good to know that sometimes love is what you feel and think.
And now as to say something kind of real. I fell in love a couple of times. When I was alone I always had an urge to fell in love to have somebody. But after I got someone I actually didn’t cared no more to find one. That’s really interesting because having someone is not actually making me happy as it makes me more like having someone it kind of let’s me to be happy. I had this felling from forever and it’s really possible that what we call love is just one of the primary needs we need to satisfy to be happy. I’m not saying that love is just an instinct. And I’m also not saying that I don’t love to love. I mean it’s great to be in loved and it’s even greater when the one we love loves us back. But the greatest love I think is the love we don’t see, the love we don’t care so much. The love that is always there, no strings attached. We have so many people around us that love us unconditionally and it’s hard to see that because we usually tend to go for the things we don’t have. But the greatest love will always be the one of the people that will always love us without conditions. So take a moment and thinks about the people around you. Think about the people that help you unconditionally, think about the people who smile when you speak, think about the ones that are shy to ask you something, think about the ones that gave you life and realize that you are the spark in your fathers eyes when he first saw your mother. Think about the people that you are not scared of loosing them, those are the ones who truly love you, the other are already lost.
Ca un copil ma minunez.
E timpul ca sa nu visez,
la viitor sau la trecut…
De atins eu nu mai apuc.
Iar chipul tau asa curat,
numai acum e adevarat.
It seems like the time caught me again… interesting enough is that this time I’m prepared… I’m prepared 4 change… I’m prepared for anything that life is offering me… seems like the universe is conspiring… conspiring with me… and everything seems so natural as if I belong to this world… as if this world wouldn’t be the same without me… as if you are conspiring beside me, with me…
I just just hate change… I always had… but every time is happening I just love it… I love to hate and I hate to love.